Here you will find our worldwide References for Water Technology:
Municipal Sewage | Industrial Wastewater | Potable Water | Sludge | Energy

Our latest projects:
- HUBER and MENA-Water complete first turnkey project for solar sewage sludge drying in Muta Mazar, JordanUntil now, most of the sewage sludge produced in Jordan has been stored in open areas or in landfills that are usually unsuitable for this purpose. This approach has a negative impact on the quality of the surface and groundwater in the affected regions and also causes high emissions due to the release of methane. …
- Protect your InfrastructureProtect your infrastructure from flooding and other weather extremes. Plan ahead.
- Rehabilitation And Upgrade of Sand FiltersThe existing rapid sand filters, consisting of 14 filter beds, have successfully undergone a comprehensive rehabilitation and upgrade, now accommodating a capacity of 105,000 cubic meters per day. This project included significant enhancements
- Storm Water TreatmentIn this project there was a need to remove industrial dust and sludge from the storm water runoff of a power plant.
- MBR Container Sewage Plant DubaiThe objective of the project was to treat wastewater from the administration facility at the power plant site as well as from the ships discharge periodically.
- MBR Container Sewage PlantThe objective of the project was to treat the wastewater from the labor camps while avoiding the tankering cost and deliver fresh water for the processes within the ready mix facility by providing high quality recycle water
- MBR Container Sewage Plant SharjahMysk Al Badayer Retreat is a 5 Star Resort located in the southern region of Sharjah. For this project, MENA-Water provided its advanced packaged Membrane Bio Reactor
- MBR Package Plant for Beverages Wastewater TreatmentThe existing wastewater treatment plant for the milk factory’s entire wastewater volume was modernized and expanded to 300 m³/d with a package system.
- Sludge to EnergyMENA-Water was responsible for the delivery, installation and commissioning of the biogas storage facility with a volume of 3400 m³ and a gas flare with a maximum throughput of 1300 m³/h.
- Containerized Screw-PressThe Huber screw press was placed in a container along with its accessories to provide an easily transportable unit for test and demonstration runs.
- MBR Package Plant in Reseach UseThe pilot plant filters a partial flow of the biologically treated wastewater to test new dosing techniques. Model MW-MR25-U contains all system technology required for ultrafiltration in a stainless steel housing
Municipal Sewage | Industrial Wastewater | Potable Water | Sludge | Energy