April 2014 – Potable Water in Africa
Known for its agriculture investment and research, Bako is located in West Shoa Zone of Oromia State. The town got a modern Potable Water Treatment Plant which serves 40,000 population treating 2400m³ water daily.
Installed by the German-based company MENA-Water, the plant has started treating water from Gibe river. The project, which was completed in nine months, is an alternative water supply for town residents and its environs.
Oromia Water, Mineral and Energy Bureau Deputy Head Ibrahim Haji Hussen told The Ethiopian Herald this simple and new technology would also be installed in other areas of the state. “We have assessed demand in areas which have no access to potable water. For instance, we have planned to extend the same project in Oromia and Somali the border areas particularly Bale,” he added.
MENA-Water East Africa Area Manager Mengistu Getaneh also said that though Ethiopia is known for its ample water resource, it has not effectively utilized it. “This is mainly due to failure in applying modern technology. MENA Water is working to fill that gap by introducing new treatment plants which can screen surface water in short period of time. The treatment plant installed in Bako is part of that project” said Mengistu.
MENA Managing Director Eng. Atif Gafar on his part indicated that the company’s priority ahead is introducing small package plants in the country’s major towns and cities like Bako. As to the Managing Director, the company is participating in the sewerage system management of condominiums in Addis Ababa.
MENA-Water is an engineering and manufacturing company that provides innovative solutions and services in the fields of water and waste water treatment.
This article was posted in the newspaper of Ethiopian Herald.
This plant is ready to be extended to 3-times capacity if needed later.