Package Plants and Containerized Solutions
Protect your Infrastructure

Protect your Infrastructure

Protect your infrastructure from flooding and other weather extremes.

Plan ahead.

Protecting critical infrastructure from extreme weather events, especially flooding, is vital to ensure the functionality, safety and resilience of these systems.

The importance of protecting critical infrastructures

  • Maintaining functionality: Power grids, water and wastewater systems, communication networks and transport routes must remain continuously functional in order to meet the basic needs of society.
  • Avoiding outages: Serious damage can lead to long outages. This can jeopardise public safety and cause economic losses.
  • Protection of public health: Flooding can flush contaminated water into supply systems, increasing health risks.
  • Financial savings: Preventive measures are often more cost-effective than repairing damage after a disaster.
  • Accessories
    Many kinds of accessories are necessary for water and wastewater treatment.

Prevent flooding during storms – Properly equipped with HUBER solutions

There are numerous important aspects to consider in order to effectively prevent damage to pumping stations and overflow structures.

A particular focus is on protecting the pumps from foreign matter and solids in the wastewater.

The following points should be observed:

  • Maintaining functionality: Ensuring the operational safety of pumping stations during extreme weather events.
  • Avoiding outages: Protection against blockages and clogging in the pumping station.
  • Protection of public health: Avoidance of contamination through the release of wastewater.
  • Financial savings: Long-term cost savings by avoiding costly repairs or replacements of the units.
  • Coarse Screens
    Coarse Screens for the removal of foreign matter and solids from wastewater. Effective protection of …
  • Multi Rake Screen
    Multi Rake Bar Screen for mechanical pre-treatment.

Protection from flooding and other weather extremes.

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