Food and Beverage industries are known to use special processes which require high consumptions of water resulting in large volumes of wastewater with varying characteristics. This wastewater must be suitably treated not just for reuse but also very typically even just for discharge to municipal sewage networks.
Our experts will explain the recommended approach and considerations for your wastewater problems including water management and treatment options and maximizes the benefits of recommended option.
This webinar will cover the following topics:
- Considerations and Approach to your Wastewater Problems – what you should Consider
- Wastewater Treatment in the Dairy and Slaughterhouse Industries
- Range of Options & Applications plus Monitoring & Control Considerations
- Advantages of Package Plants in the F&B Industry
- Optimised Solution Examples and Global Case Studies
Both MENA-Water and HUBER have extensive experience in industrial wastewater treatment and provide a wide-range of well-proven and innovative solutions for our Client’s across many different industries to meet their demanding challenges.
This event was in past.