Sharjah Municipality Environmental Protection Program

eco vehicle wash
The town Sharjah is one of the metropole cities of the United Arab Emirates. To fulfill all the municipal tasks around the town the Sharjah Municipality operates an immeasurable vehicle fleet of different specifications which needs to be maintained and to be washed after heavy work.
Sharjah also is well known for the environmental efforts and therefore it was consequent to take advantage of the latest technology for water recycling supporting car wash.
Waste Water Treatment
The solution for water re-use is the MENA-Water MBR-filtration package plant as integrated version. This ready-made system includes all the treatment tanks and equipment inside one stainless steel housing. Using ultra filtration, the cleaned water is free of bacteria and virus. Available with different standard capacities, in this case the size of 25 m³/d was sufficient to treat all sewage water coming from headquarter buildings and same time to supply the washing system for the client’s enormous vehicle fleet.
Plug & Play Package Plant
The MBR package plants are prepared with all mechanically equipment including control panel & internal cabling. They are pre-commissioned and at site only have to be connected plug & play. Fabrication and site installation in this case took less than 1 month.
The plant control is fully automatic by PLC and there is a monitoring solution which allows for daily follow up of basic plant status parameters so as filtration-pressure, flow, chemical usage and maintenance requirement. Therefore, the plant requires very less daily maintenance.
MENA-Water has ensured the client’s satisfactory and already saved them a vast amount of fresh water usage and sewage disposal cost, day by day. Allowing for clean vehicles without wasting fresh water.