Project: Covering Aeration Tanks & Provision of Odor Control Unit,
Palm Jumeirah Island is one of the famous landmarks in UAE, an assured destination for every tourist, full of hotels which provides the relaxing environment.
Palm Jumeirah SU1 STP is located in Palm Jumeirah Island at crescent near Astoria Waldorf Hotel. This treatment plant is utilizing diffused aeration system followed by MBR filtration. To protect the direct environment of all odor nuisance MENA-Water got the order to cover the plant and install an odor control system.
• Capacity 14,000 m³/day
• Activated Carbon Filter
• Duct Work
• H₂S Monitoring
Main idea of the project was to direct air, which is released from the activated sludge process, aeration tanks and MBR stream, through an odor control system for neutralization before exhaust. The installed odor control unit is connected with duct work along the aeration tank to collect all the odor released from the treatment process in the STP. Odor control unit is based on specially developed activated carbon which adsorbs Hydrogen sulfide gas as well as other odor causing compounds. more Information
at DownloadOur installed system guarantees to prevent any bad smell & noxious odorous released from the aeration tank and we can proudly confirm we mitigated the main problem with lowest cost & highest efficiency.