Khartoum as the capital of Sudan is a growing metropole town located at the junction of the rivers Blue and White Nile, surrounded by Sahara desert. The growing demand for accomodations generates new housing projects situated at the peripherie areas with need for additional infrastructure. The existend sewer network only is applied in the city center, is overloaded, outdated and only transports sewage outside to open lagoons. Most sewage at housing areas therefore nowadays is transported by tankers to that lagoons outside the city. It is big environmental benefit to treat the produced waste water from the accomodations and to use it for the greenery surrounding the houses.

MBR Package Plants
In 2018 2 MBR package plants were installed for 2 different housing areas. Each is treating 10 m³/h of sewage from the inhabitants and the effluent water now is bacteria free and directly used for irrigation. Selected was the MENA-Water standard model MW-MR10-U which is equipped with all machinery and control to easy and quick realize a sewage treatment with latest design. Operation is fully automatically for a very reliable process. Tanker lorrys for dischage are no more necessary and this improves the sanitary situation. And the green surroundings are providing a climatic imporovement for the surrounding area.

Water for Golf Course
Already in 2015 a small plant of MR10-U was installed at the nearby golf course. The provided clean water was necessarily needed at the green area and golf lawn. The successful operation during this years was basic for the decision to install further plants for the new residence areas.
More information about MENA-Water MBR Package Sewage Plants please find on this page.