Sludge Dewatering with Mobile Screw Press at Al Feliyah STP
The HUBER Technology Screw presses for sludge dewatering have become well-proven alternative for decanters or/and belt filter presses.
Mobile Package Plant, Plug & Play
The Huber screw press along with its accessories was containerized to become an easy to transport and setup unit for trial and demonstration runs. On site installation is fast and simple with only nominal utility connections required to run the press.
Sludge Dewatering Pilot Project
For trial run of the machine, Ras Al Khaimah sewage treatment plant was selected, since their current sludge dewatering centrifuge system was not satisfying in terms of power consumption, noise and maintenance as well as poor cake dryness.
Delivery and installationwas completed within 1 day and better results were achieved even during the startup when compared with the existing in-situ system. Following process optimisation and polymer selection the cake dryness and supernatant clarity were improved further allowing increase throughput with significantly reduced power and chemical consumption. The screw shaft operates with a speed of only 1-2 rpm, which is a main reason for the low wear and tear of the machine.

Convincing Results
The pilot plant produced amazing results. The Q-PRESS for thickening and dewatering of 10 m³/h challenging activated sludge with more than 80% organic content, dewatered the thin sludge in a single step to crumbly cake of 26%DS, Moreover the power consumption was less with only 75% than needed with the dewatering centrifuge. This is showing a clear path how to improve the carbon foot print of the plant.
Q-PRESS installations can easily achieve a sludge volume reduction in excess of 90% with simple operation and low maintenance at minimum energy consumption. Furthermore, direct dewatering of the thin sludge avoids all additional costs that would incur for the operation of an upstream mechanical thickening system.
This mobile sludge dewateering plant on trailer we offer on rental basis. If you want to improve your sludge handling you can test this latest technology directly on your site. Please contact MENA-Water and our experts will support you to explore this convincing latest technology.

more information to HUBER Q-PRESS