The Algerian part of the Sahara desert is a very dry place of sand desert. But this area has oil resources to explore and therefore camps for workers which are fare from infrastructure but with need of water. MENA WATER FZC got the contract to build up a sewage treatment plant of 300 m³/day for treating the municipal sewage from residences for up to 2500 people. Basis is the established modular package plant with MBR technology which provides water ready for irrigation.
Bacteria Free Clean Water for Irrigation

The plant provides bacteria free clean water with smallest foot print area and is prefabricated as containerized system with all water contact surfaces made of stainless steel. All components are of European origin. The plant is designed as modular, mobile system to be extended and easy relocated on demand. All treated water can be used for irrigation and allows for extension of protecting greenery inside and around the camps.
Plug & Play Package Plant
Due to the standardized layout the MBR Package Plants can be established in very short realization time. In case of further extensiion for more inhabitants the plants can be extended with additional modules.
More information about MENA-Water MBR Package Sewage Plants please find on this page.