Abu Arish is a community located in south of KSA, part of Jizan Provence, close to the border of Yemen. Abu Arish has no sewerage network and waste water treatment plant. Before the new plant being built, tankers were discharging in a man made lagoon located approx 25 km away from the city. The STP location was chosen to be close to the lagoon.
Abu Arish STP is is designed to receive waste water by tanker discharge from the surrounding community. The waste water is municipal sewage.

MENA-Water provided the complete design, supply, installation, commissioning and startup for the whole plant 1,000 m³/day. In future the plant can be extended to double capacity.
Screening, grit removal, lifting station, aeration and MBR, storage for treated water and storage for sludge including drying beds and measuring instruments were the comprehensive scope of works.
The complete plant is operated by PLC and prepared for remote monitoring.