World Water Day is declared annually by the UN on March 22nd.
In 2024 the motto will be “Water for Peace”.

According to the UN, 2.2 billion people worldwide do not have safe access to clean drinking water. The United Nations’ sustainability goals stipulate that everyone will have access to clean, affordable drinking water by 2030.
Many regional conflicts are triggered by disputes over water resources. It is important to act quickly and effectively and that is exactly the goal of MENA-Water. We renovate and expand existing drinking water systems to supply large cities, doubling the capacity on the same footprint. This is significant because many facilities often date back to colonial times and are now outdated and overloaded. Water quality and quantity suffer as a result. An expansion is difficult because these facilities, which were previously built on the outskirts of the city, are now in the middle of the city due to the growth of cities and there is no room for expansion. New technologies now enable the continued use of this building structure while significantly increasing capacity and water quality.
Here are some sample projects of MENA-Water to show the possibillities:
- Upgrade of Adama Drinking Water PlantRehabilitation & Upgrade of Potable Water Treatment Plant. The town Adama is capital of the …
- Drinking Water Plant UpdateProject: Rehabilitation & Upgrade of Potable Water Treatment Plant in Gambella, Ethiopia from 5040 to …
- Drinking Water Plant Upgrade in EthiopiaRehabilitation & Upgrade of Potable Water Treatment Plant. The Oromia National Regional State invests in …
- Khartoum North WTP Rehabilitation and UpgradeKhartoum North WTP Rehabilitation & Upgrade – Bahri, Khartoum North, Sudan. These large-scale plant, located …
MENA-Water SafeDrink

To supply villages and regions near surface water but without a drinking water supply, MENA-Water developed a solution in compact systems. The SafeDrink series contains all system components and controls within standard containers. This allows extremely short delivery times to be achieved. All that is necessary on site is the water catchment and a foundation. The standard sizes range from 500 m³ daily for towns and cities to 5000 m³ to supply cities. Thanks to the modular system, the systems can be expanded at any time and adapted to the respective requirements.
Here are some sample projects of MENA-Water SafeDrink to show the possibillities:
- Package Plant for Potable Water in EthiopiaWenji Villages, Oromia, Ethiopia,Potable Water Package Plant for River Water. The village of Wenji is …
- Drinking Water South SudanMENA-Water installed containerized potable water plants in South Sudan. South Sudan is the newest state …
- Containerized Potable Water Plant Bako EthiopiaApril 2014 – Potable Water in Africa Known for its agriculture investment and research, Bako …
- Drinking Water in AfricaMENA-Water established containerized potable water plants. In Sudan, there are large irrigation areas with many …
- Package Plant for Potable WaterVillage of Umkatti (Sudan) – The Umkatti village is situated in Sudan north to the …