The World Water Day 2023 campaign, called be the change, encourages people to take action in their own lives to change the way they use, consume and manage water.
MENA-Water serves the world by providing innovative solutions for saving the water resource and environment.
One aim of MENA-Water is to keep water in cycle and to rise the quality of water. Our MBR package sewage plants allow the re-use of waste water for special applications. This may be irrigation, car-wash or air condition. At our company location in Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates, an MBR Package Plant cleans the company’s waste water and the cleaned water is used to irrigate a green belt around the company premises. This significantly improves the local climate.
Purified water from our MBR Package Plants using membrane biological processes is free of viruses, bacteria and microplastics. In addition, the water is released directly on site and helps to improve the local water balance. A MENA-Water compact system, which is operated in a social facility in Germany serving 200 people, has led to the sustainable replenishment of the local groundwater reserves in its 9 years of operation. A total of 33,000 cubic meters of water have already seeped away through ditches in the surrounding landscape.

River water with high turbidity can be treated for use in villages to offer safe drinking water to the population.