MENA-Water Live Webinars
Based on the huge interest MENA-Water decided to held regular Webinars. Each one for different topics. Also you are welcome to suggest new topics which our specialists will talk about. For taking part just register through our website.
This are the next topics, please mark at your calendar. The registration link will be published some weeks before time:
List of our Webinars with Date and Timing (GST)
duration each 1 hour
- coming soon

Some Latest Webinars
- Stormwater Management and Raw Water Intakesevent in past
- Webinar Schedulenew schedule coming soon (for attendance please register online)
- Containerised Solutions for Water and Wastewater Treatmentevent in past
- Industrial Wastewater Treatment & Reuse Options in Food & Beverage Industryevent in past
- Water Treatment Ancillary Items (Webinar)event in past
- Webinar – Surface Drinking Water Treatmentevent in past
- Assessment, Troubleshooting and Maintenanceevent in past
- Sustainable Solutions for Raw Water Intakesevent in past