“MBR Sewage Treatment Plants in Practice”

The retirement home of Wörz + Helbig in Aschersleben operates an independent wastewater treatment plant with MBR technology for treatment and direct discharge of their entire wastewater (approx. 100 EW). The facility was planned by “Ingenieubüro für Abwassertechnik Payer GmbH” (Erfurt), and MENA-Water supplied, installed, and commissioned the plant one year ago. Over the past months it has been delivering high quality effluent water, which meets the extremely sharp limit specifications.
Video of the Seminar in German language
On April 27 about 20 interested participants from regional authorities and consulting companies have gathered at Wörz + Helbig care center, to get direct information about plant technology and operating practice of the installed MBR plant. Two succinct presentations by planning engineer and manufacturer provided a “firsthand” overview of the project conditions in Aschersleben and of the specific characteristics of the MBR process. Afterwards the participants were able to visit the plant itself and also view a most recent sample of the clear effluent water. The event provided an ideal platform to discuss practical experiences with all involved parties: consultant, manufacturer and operator.
We are pleased with the successful first year of operation of this system and we would like to say “thank you”, to the participants of our seminar and to the team of Wörz + Helbig for their positive cooperation!